We understand that children learn and develop in different ways.
Teachers and Teaching Assistants recognise this and use different teaching styles, resources and plan different levels of work in the classroom to cater for the various ways children learn. However, some children, at some time in their school life, may need extra help and support in a variety of different ways.
Initially, children’s needs are met through quality first teaching provided by the class teacher; all teachers at Trinity are teachers of children with SEN/D. If staff feel that a child’s needs cannot be met through quality first teaching alone, then additional support or intervention may be put into place and short term targets will be set in consultation with the staff, parents and the child. Support may be offered through an additional adult working alongside the child or their group, and/or taking part in intervention or enhancement programmes outside of the classroom. These approaches support us in a cycle of assessing the needs of children, planning to meet their needs, implementing strategies and reviewing their impact.
The school aims to work in partnership with parents as well as other agencies for additional assessments and advice, if necessary. eg, the Educational Psychology Service, Lancashire Special Educational Needs and Disability Service, Speech and Language Therapy, CAMHS, school nursing, paediatricians etc. Parents will be consulted at every stage of this process.
As a school we offer a variety of interventions and enhancement programmes in school. Interventions and support provided to a child are closely monitored by the SENDCo in order to evaluate their effectiveness. Assessments may be carried out before the intervention and again at the end as well as discussions with class teachers and parents to measure impact.
Children with SEND may also access additional support in order to attend extra-curricular clubs provided by the school.
EHC Plans
Children with more complex needs may require a Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP). In these instances, the SENDCO will work with parents and all relevant outside agencies to ensure the necessary steps are taken in order to secure a Statutory Assessment of SEND by Lancashire County Council and / or an EHCP.
SEND support
Children on the SEN register who do not qualify for an EHCP but who do have identified SEND are placed on the school SEND Register and supported by a ‘SEND Support Plan’. The SENDCO in collaboration with teachers will ensure these provide adults in school with all the information needed to meet the needs of children with SEND. Their progress is tracked and monitored on a termly basis.
SEND characteristics at Trinity
- Percentage of pupils supported on SEND support (7.2%) is lower than the national average
- Percentage of pupils supported with EHCPs (2.7%) is higher than national average
Medical Care - Arrangements for Children with Disabilities
At Trinity School we believe every person should be treated equally and with respect. As long as this school is the best place to meet the needs of an individual child, they will be admitted and every care taken to ensure appropriate access to the full curriculum. As far as possible the physical needs of every child and adult will be catered for.
The school provides disabled toilet facilities for children and adults. The whole school site is accessible. All uneven surfaces and steps within the school grounds are marked for the visually impaired.
There are 13 members of staff within school who are first aid trained and 4 of these are fully trained paediatric first aiders.
Children with additional medical needs may have a care plan written in conjunction with the school nurse. The school endeavours to cater for all medical needs as practically possible and will request any additional training that is required.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.